Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra

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Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra

Snapshot understanding of Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra


Top 10 things you must know about Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra:


  1. Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra is the second of the three nakshatras lorded by Planet Sun. It starts from Leo sign 26 degrees 40 minutes to 10 degrees in Virgo sign.
  2. The animal reprsenting Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra is a Cow. Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra born are seen as pious and innocent. They are caring and responsible people.
  3. Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra born are seen to have a better life after their marriage.
  4. They should refrain from fault finding in others.
  5. They are seen as fond of reading and having books.
  6. They have a giver nature and do not indulge in petty things.
  7. They have a very futuristic mindset and are progressive in nature.
  8. They shouid not be dominated upon. They except space and freedom in relationship.
  9. They love to have a clean image among their peers.
  10. People tend to like them a lot.



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