Understanding 12 Houses Of Horoscope

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Understanding 12 Houses Of Horoscope

What are the 12 houses or Bhavas in Vedic Astrology?

A horoscope is described as the map of man’s destiny. It is drawn in the form of a diagram. It is divided into 12 houses or bhavas. Each of the 12 houses is ruling a specfic area of your life. Let us understand them one by one below -


First house

Represents self, physical body – its shape, colour, complexion, personality, health, general prosperity and beginning of the childhood. The fixed significator or the sthir karaka of first house is Sun.


Second house

Represents the immediate family one is born in. It denotes wealth – the savings; speech, face, right eye, the food we eat. The fixed significator or the sthir karaka of first house is Jupiter.


Third house

Siblings, younger co borns, short journeys, valour, courage, throat, father’s death as third house is seventh from the ninth house of father; descent from good family, servants, in born and natural inclinations. The fixed significator or the sthir karaka of first house is Mars.


Fourth House

Represents mother, landed property, general happiness, ancestral property, basic education, relatives, subconscious mind, comforts, hidden treasures, clothes, relatives, early life environment and vehicle.  The fixed significator or the sthir karaka of first house are Moon and Venus.


Fifth House

Represents son or children, education, belly, progeny prospects, all kinds of speculative activity inclinations, consultation, enjoyment, Mantri Siddhi, ministership, the Karma is of past life. The fixed significator or the sthir karaka of first house is Jupiter.


Sixth House

Represents diseases one suffers, debts and loans, rivals, competitors and enemies, happiness from maternal uncles. The fixed significator or the sthir karaka of first house is Mars.


Seventh House

Represents marriage and all kinds of partnerships including business partnership, settlement out of the country, public image, followers, Profession especially business as seventh houses the 10th from the 10th house.

Eight House

Represents longevity, sudden Ness, deep research, inclinations in the occult field, transformations one goes through in this life time, setbacks and obstacles.


Ninth House

Father & father like figure are reckoned from ninth house of the chart. Fortune, over all luck, religion and righteousness, long journeys, pilgrimage and spiritual development are seen from this house in the horoscope. Jupiter is the fixed or the sthir karaka of this house.


Tenth house

Represents profession and karma. Knees among the body parts, boss and the superiors, recognition and status. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are the karaka of tenth house. Saturn is considered as the primary Karma Karaka of tenth house.


Eleventh House

Income, gains, elder brothers, success in life, honour and social circle are seen from eleventh house of the horoscope.  Wish fulfilment are also reckoned from this house. Jupiter is the primary significator of this house.  


Twelfth house

It is the house of expenses, moving abroad, investments, and loss of health and hospitalization.  Saturn is the primary significator of this house.




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