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Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac system. It repesents the life stage after the birth. Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus. Venus is the ruler of romance and love. This makes the people born under Taurus sign as naturally inclined towards relationships and love. Here it would be important to understand that Venus rules two signs in astrology. Besides Taurus, Libra is also ruled by Venus. How the two signs are different needs to be understood to be able to read your own horoscope. We will discuss Libra in the subsequent pages. Here let us analyse Taurus in detail.
Astrological Symbol of Taurus : Bull.
Taurus represents neck area in human body, forest, mountains, cattle sheds and cultivated fields.
Taurus is a fixed sign or Sthir rashi . Taurus natives are steady, practical and believe in materialistic psssessions.
Taurus makes your reliable, calm, and ambitious in nature. You are the love of beauty and pay lots of importance to aesthetics. You have the power to endure true to your symbol bull. You are seen to display a sacrifiying and forgiving disposition. You do not keep anger inside for long. You possess good stamina and would be fond of cooking.
Read about all 12 Ascendant signs here:
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