Planet Moon In Vedic Astrology

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Planet Moon In Vedic Astrology

Why Planet Moon is so important in Vedic astrology:

Moon is a very important planet in Vedic / Indian Astrology system. At the time of birth and during the early childhood years, the ‘jeeva’ or ‘the being’ is denoted by Moon. That is why the placement of moon at the time of birth holds great significance in the longevity and over all life of the infact and the child. We know about instances of early death after the birth, those are caused due to Bal Arishta Yoga – which literally means the trouble to the infant.


The significance of the Moon does start soon after the child birth. The birth star or constellation plays a vital role in the nature and disposition of the person. The birth star is decided by the nakshatra or the constellation Moon was transiting at the time of the birth. 


Planet Moon signifies the Mind

The rashi or the zodiac where Moon was transiting at the time of the birth is the key constituent in Vedic astrology. It decides and fixes up many vital things. This is because Moon is the Mind. It is through Moon that we experience life situations. All our worldly experiences come to us through Moon.  A happy Moon – the one that is in strength and is well placed in the horoscope brings over all well being, happiness and a happy & cheerful disposition.  Moon is associated with lagna or the ascendant will make one good looking, somewhat fickle minded as well.


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Planet Moon is the abundance & happiness

The happiness quotient in a horoscope can be decided by analyzing Moon alone. Moon under benefic influence of other planets particularly Jupiter means great for longevity, abundance, respect and over all happiness & comforts of life.


Planet Moon & the body parts

 Moon ruled person would have a heavier body, curly hair, fair complexioned and beautiful eyes. It rules over the left eye, heart and lungs, body fluids including water, brain, uterus, bladder, breast.


Careers decided & ruled by Planet Moon

Moon is the fastest moving planets of all the nine planets. It covers one zodiac sign in transit in only 2.25 days approximately. Being a fast planet, it rules over the profession that require movement and a lots of changes. The careers generally ruled by Moon are those related to liquid like chemicals and pharmaceuticals, alcohol, milk, honey, food industry, navy and water related work. Moon is also mind, it makes for good psychiatrist as well. One could be owning a restaurant or food catering business.


Planet Moon & Your Health

A strong unafflicted Moon indicates a sound mind. Else there could be many problems related to brain. The psychological well being is decided by the strength of Moon in a horoscope. Diseases due to Moon include asthma, bronchitis, jaundice and fever. Moon is also the significator of mother. Any affliction to Moon indicates trouble to Mother and trouble from mother as well.



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